Meanwhile an insurance adjuster had to be called in the next day – October 7, he also had to be convinced. Unhurt and shook up he agreed not to sue for all of his games and half his beer tab are on the house. Clark and convinced him not to sue, he understands it was a mishap. Clark out of his chair, nearly killing him. Illegally, but hey they're only gonna kill pins with it, so what the hell right? ĭuring the development – Octo– they forgot to reduce the tension springs and the first ball they launched flew straight through the wall of the office and stove-in a table in the dining area. eventually they found one at an old surplus center out in the willywacks, and traded a couple tanks of gasoline for it. Determined, they followed this advice, they talked to a guy, who knew a guy that knows a guy.

Jacob brought up the idea that they should just get and modify one of the new Fat Man catapults.

Īlthough their original idea would prove to be a colossal failure – it only achieved sanding off the edges of the balls – they began to discus the ideal with some of the old timers. Meanwhile Thomas himself would come up with his own solution, a negative handicap to give everyone an equal footing and provide extra challenge for top level players. If he couldn't walk then maybe they could build a sort of bowling gun built out of the ball return and a strong motor attached to a board. Maybe they could help Thomas bowl that perfect game he was so close to. One night, quarter to three, they would get to talking over shooting the balls back up the return and checking the machinery when they came up with an idea. Thomas Davis, a returning crippled Naval veteran, would never walk again. Mark Wilson and Matthew Stevens initially conceived of the design one night after learning of their friend's medical condition. The concept for the weapon conversion however was born from the compassion and ingenuity of only the most loyal, loving, and maybe a little obsessive friendships. How it got to there being a completely new and modern military armament is unknown. This particular M42 Fat Man Launcher originated at old surplus center out in the willywacks of the New England Commonwealth.