Two new worldspaces for you to explore, just like the realm of Minecraft (One for everyone, the other is for modders and powerful computers(seriously) New Items (Sticks, Diamonds, Clay, Bricks, Gold + Iron Bars and more) Note: This is not music from Minecraft OST Album Minecraft Radio! (Listen to C418's music in fallout!) Working Creeper Script for Npc's/Creatures Note: You must be looking straight forward as seen in V3 video to place blocks Placeable Blocks (Whatever you harvest you can place again) Working Chests (Store all your gear in multiple, placeable chests!) Working Furnace (Smelt your own blocks and items!) Working Crafting Bench (Craft yourself new tools/weapons!) 45 Minecraft Blocks (Dirt,Cobblestone,Chest's etc) More features will be added as this is more of a test phase to show my work so far.

The idea of this really is to build your creations in the Fallout world. I started out making different blocks of Minecraft and it just went on from there. What if I put my favourite games together to create some sort of hybrid? Well after a lot of help from friends and my boyfriend I became quite a budding modder. By that time I was already way into Fallout and I figured. I purchased the game and continue to play it daily.

So I went ahead and tried Classic out and fell in love with it. Well it first started out as an idea, I was introduced to Minecraft and was intrigued by the online videos.